Recommend content for your audience to see on the website and consider how this will be created or manipulated-Explain which relevant psychological theories support the use of this content.

Assessment Instructions – Rent-a-house Bristol [this is a fictional brief]

You are expected to propose a campaign that will recommend specific content to appear on the website in order to engage website visitors and persuade themto sign up for email updates. You also need to explain how you will attract people to the
website from elsewhere on the internet.

Your proposals should include well-researched advice on exactly who to target (see the marking criteria for full details on the areas to be
included in your work).

Following your recommendations, the digital marketing activity will be undertaken by existing employees, but Rent-a-house Bristol has a budget of £2,000 to cover any additional madvertising costs associated with this campaign.

Background information:

Rent-a-house Bristol is a fictional company in Bristol, renting properties in the Horfield area of the city. It specialises in renting properties to groups of young adults, including students aged between 18 and 25. Its properties are generally houses that have been adapted to
provide three or more bedrooms with single beds and lockable doors, along with communal kitchen and lounge areas.

Your marketing brief:

You are invited to outline a six-month digital marketing campaign to encourage your chosen target audience to visit the website and then sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter sending them a list of available properties.

Your digital marketing activity ‘pitch’ will be submitted to Rent-a-house Bristol as a video presentation. In your video presentation, you should make suggestions for the use of visual content (images, video or words) on the website. Your campaign pitch should also include
ways of reaching and engaging your chosen target audience, plus an explanation of the data this would provide. The video presentation will include you pitching your ideas, alongside a PowerPoint presentation. You may also wish to demonstrate your content suggestions
visually to help communicate your ideas clearly.

Your campaign pitch is expected to discuss the following sections:

• Analysis and objectives
• Target audience
• Creative website content (that will engage people on the website)
• Audience attraction methods (to ‘attract’ traffic to the website)
• Measurement and use of data

Important note

You are not expected to undertake any primary research. You may wish to research the market and marketing activity undertaken in similar situations, however you should not contact any external organisations or people.

Your campaign should include activity that can realistically be achieved within the £2,000 budget for advertising. You are not expected to detail all of your advertising costs though (i.e. in a detailed costings spreadsheet or timeline).

Further instructions

You are expected to use concepts and academic theories from the module, and your own reading, to underpin your work and support the judgements you are making. You should reference any background information or data that you research, plus any concepts and
theories used in your pitch.

This is an individual assignment. You are not expected to work on this in pairs or groups

Marking Criteria

This assessment particularly focuses on your ability to:
1. Consider the market and then identify appropriate digital marketing objectives

o Identify and analyse relevant market information.
o Use market information to set SMART objectives.

2. Identify a specific target audience for your plan of activity to engage
o Identify and use evidence to identify a well-defined group of people to communicate with.

3. Choose and use appropriate digital media creatively in a way that will appeal to the target audience on your website

o Recommend content for your audience to see on the website and consider how this will be created or manipulated.
o Explain which relevant psychological theories support the use of this content.

4. Consider the way your target audience will be directed to the website

o Choose relevant ways of attracting an audience to the website. This might involve your audience discovering some of the content through one or more of the following: searching for information; viewing adverts; using social
media; receiving a direct message.

o Explain which relevant psychological theories support this approach.

5. Explain the data your activity will generate and how this will be used
o Recommend ways of collecting data to measure the success of the campaign.
o Consider why this data will be useful to the campaign team.