Appraise how the various technologies introduced could create an impact to the society that we live in.

IPM561 Contemporary Topics in Technology and Business

This assignment is worth 15% of the final mark for IPM561 Contemporary Topics in Technology and Business.

Question 1

Prepare a report not exceeding 3,600 words (excluding cover page and references) on the following:

(a) The Fourth Industrial Revolution is going to force transformation across businesses. Select a business sector that you are familiar with, for example: healthcare, banking, logistics, hospitality, F&B, facilities management, retail, education, etc.

Evaluate the business sector that you have selected by briefly describing the customers they serve, size of market, competitiveness and stage of growth/decline. (6 marks)

(b) Based on the business sector which you have described in the previous section, examine the areas of technology (e.g. data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, drones, 3D-printing, etc.) that you envisage would likely disrupt this business sector locally as well as globally. Identify any three (3) disruptive technologies that has been discussed to elaborate your answer. (21 marks)

(c) With reference to the business sector discussed in Q1(b), outline one (1) key issue that Covid-19 has inflicted towards this sector and illustrate how technology can be deployed to address it. (7 marks) (d) Select a company that you are familiar with.

Describe briefly the company you selected. Assess the business of this company from the perspectives of inputs, process and customer engagement (based on the illustration below/next page).

Identify one (1) pain point or opportunity within each of these sections that you feel strongly can be addressed by disruptive technologies. Discuss and demonstrate with examples to support your answer. (18 marks)

Question 2

(a) Appraise how the various technologies introduced could create an impact to the society that we live in.

Consider the social impact from the perspective of healthcare, education, career, living conditions, aging population, transportation, social divide, etc.

Provide two (2) positive and two (2) negative impacts that could surface. (32 marks

(b) Analyse and recommend two (2) potential solutions that would help to overcome the two (2) negative impacts that you had highlighted. (16 marks)