Research 6 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Price>Remember methodology then critically think and write: Theory>Research>Analysis and papers should be connected to our course.

Marketing Mix: Price

Research 6 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Price. Once you have selected your 6 peer-reviewed journal articles (no older than 5 years), post a paper that contains the following:

• An Introduction;

• A synopsis for each article (using a subject/section header for each article); Remember our methodology for critically thinking and writing: Theory>Research>Analysis and papers should be connected to our course (Customer Relationship Marketing and Marketing for a Competitive Advantage)

• A Biblical Integration section (max of 2 paragraphs with 1 bible verse for each paragraph – integrating biblical principles within the field of marketing management);

• Conclusion – provide a critical analysis for the major points from the research you read.

Review the additional Discussion Assignment Instructions below:


The student will post one thread of at least 1,750 words not to exceed 1,900 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned module


For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 6 peer-reviewed, scholarly authored articles in current APA 7th edition format, with at least 1 new reference from a Marketing Journal to support the topic researched. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years, except for the Bible.


The requirement is that you use subject/section headers (Introduction, Article 1 or Title, Article 2 …. Article 6, Biblical Integration, and Conclusion)