What does it mean by explain and apply test theory – are we meant to explain why these types of tests were used? have these types of tests been standardised, norms etc.

Assessment Details and Instructions

Students will be provided with a psychometric report which has been prepared by a psychologist. Students will apply their knowledge of theory on individual differences, test theory and psychometrics and culturally responsive testing practices, to evaluate the report. When evaluating the report, students should consider such aspects as the choice of tests, interpretation of the results and the appropriateness of the recommendations included.

Some FAQs on the assessment:

1.My interpretation is that the point of this assessment is to evaluate the report you have provided by the Psychologist and whether we think the choice of tests (Abstract Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning etc) is the correct choice. Additionally, we need to interpret the results of those tests and if we believe the recommendations are appropriate – is this correct? Yes

2.The report appears to be very poorly written, which I am guessing is what we need to include in our response. Do we need to include little things like spelling, grammar, incorrect use of terms (e.g their)? Yes, students can mention this

3.Regarding the tests – because there are multiple types of these tests do, we just assume which one specifically was used out of the available types? Students need to research types of tests (ie personality tests), they can narrow to one and use this as an example

4.You have mentioned previously we need to consider the norms for the test, some of the norms mentioned at the bottom we do not know. Based on your reply to Sophie’s post where you said, ” Students are given the types of tests, consider norm groups and the appropriateness of using these types of tests on different norm groups”. Does this mean instead of referring to whether they are suited to Andrew specifically (because we do not know if he is Australian etc) – are we meant to be looking at that type of test and whether we think it is appropriate for measuring that norm e.g. if personality measure a good test to test Australian personalities? You need to consider whether the norm is appropriate for the person completing the assessment and the purpose of the assessment. For example, if the position applied for is managerial and the norm group is Year 10 equivalent that would not be appropriate as the norm group would not be at a high enough level compared to what is expected of the assessee

5.I know others have commented on the Abstract Reasoning and you have mentioned we need to evaluate any errors – does this include the percentile etc? yes, students can comment on errors

6.Do we require a minimum number of references? And how can we reference Andrew’s test in the reference list? Also, how can we reference the test used when there are multiple types for that test? students can narrow to one test, no minimum as such, however students should research broadly

7.What IS INCLUDED in the word count? everything except reference list and title page

8.What about the word count for each section of the assignment? no word count for each section, students can use their discretion here

9.what does it mean by explain and apply test theory – are we meant to explain why these types of tests were used? have these types of tests been standardised, norms etc

10.When talking about the strengths and limitations – is this for all the tests that were used or for psychological assessment in general? be specific to the tests used in this report, but okay to include some thoughts/evidence generally on the strengths/limitations of psychometric testing in an applied setting

11.Test – Do we explain what is good/bad. AND Interpretation – explain what I have found about Andrew’s suitability based on what I’ve interpreted from his results for the role. the purpose is to evaluate the report, not the assessee in this case. Although you are likely need to include some evaluation of ‘Andrew’ to clarify where mistakes have been made the main purpose should remain on evaluating the report itself

12.Test Abstract Reasoning– Do we explain what is good/bad. AND Interpretation. So on and so forth for all the tests conducted. Yes to an extent. If the interpretation and reporting of the test is accurate in the report then you won’t need to comment too much. However, if there are corrections to be made then you need to include them. You should always be covering good/bad regarding the tests used and how appropriate they are

13.How can we bring cultural stuff into all these individually as cultural safety will be the same for all of them? they need to research these types of tests, consider what cultural groups they’re used on, is this appropriate etc

14.We need to finish with RECOMMENDATIONS. Do recommendations go on the information provided? There is nothing I can research for this as it’s so badly written. What can I do for the reference? There may not be references for the evaluation of the recommendations, but you should try to provide justification for whether you think the recommendations that were made are appropriate or not.
16.Do we match the recommendations what information has been provided in the report? If yes, can we just write ‘this is an appropriate recommendation based on the information”? If not, how much detail you expect to be written? yes, that is fine if you believe the recommendation is appropriate. If it is not appropriate then you need to provide enough information to justify whey you believe it is not appropriate and what would be a better recommendation.

17.If the recommendations do not match the information in the report, do we need to explain why the suggestion is incorrect? yes, you need to provide justification

More Questions
·Because this report is generated by an organisational psychologist, student should pay attention that this is an example of psychological assessment in non-clinical settings. So, instead of thinking about a “patient” situation (identify the psychological problem and suggest a plan for more tests or treatment), they have to focus on “client” situation when we are testing people’s eligibility to match an organisational position as well as the area of improvement.
·Are students expected to include info from the document labelled “position description” to describe anything about Andrew? Yes, the PD provides the context for the testing and will let you know whether the tests and norms used are appropriate or not.
·Are students expected to include info from the document labelled “helpful information”? Can they use it as a reference? as above
·If you expect them to discuss MOST not ALL the tests that are mentioned in the report (Abstract reasoning, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, mechanical reasoning, personality measure), is 3 out of 5 tests is enough number? You will need to cover all of the assessments used

Thinking about the template:
·Choice of test: students are expected to critically discuss ALL the tests and advantages/disadvantages of conducting these tests to have a better understanding of Andrew’s situation. Do they need to suggest other tests that might be more helpful in this situation? they could suggest another type of test if they believe that some of the testing has been inappropriate or a gap has not been addressed with the testing
·Interpretation of results: How good or bad are the results of ALL the tests interpreted? Do they need to suggest the better ways that the results could be interpreted? yes, if an interpretation is not appropriate provide some idea of what would have been more appropriate
·Appropriateness of recommendations: Think about the appropriateness of the recommendations to practically improve Andrew’s situation. Do they need to suggest the better recommendations based on their understanding? Yes