How does the experience and treatment of Native Americans as well as the lived realities of minority groups contribute to a different understanding of groups and culture in the U.S.? Does this challenge monocultural idealism? If so, how?


Responses should be typed,12 pt font, and 1 to 1.5 pages per response. Insert the question you are answering above your responses. Essay length does not include the copied and pasted questions. Altogether essay responses should be between 3-5 pages.

Essay : Historically, America was considered to be a melting pot. However, across time that notion became challenged.

How does the experience and treatment of Native Americans as well as the lived realities of minority groups contribute to a different understanding of groups and culture in the U.S.? Does this challenge monocultural idealism? If so, how?

Which assimilation model do American cities such as Milwaukee, Chicago, and New York City exude and why? Discuss your cultural identity and if it fits melting pot theory or another theory by identifying it. Also, describe your lived reality based on your cultural identity and norms