Assess strategies to achieve protection of consumers”: then z parameters (or KPIs) 2 this end have to stated concisely.


Main goal is to reduce repetitions, duplications in order to reach 70 – 75 pages of straight forward style of writing

attached are the professor comments to update the paper:

1. Abstract: good if it includes a few lines about stud methodology

2. Problem statement: the problem as “no value 4 money spent on implementing protective systems 2 safeguard customers (P. 13). So, one has 2 keep in mind if answers r being sought as to what factors r behind not achieving value 4 money!

3. The study aims 2 “assess strategies to achieve protection of consumers”: then z parameters (or KPIs) 2 this end have to stated concisely.

4. Research question: has 2 be aligned with the problem statement

5. Sampling (purposive): what is being sampled (sampling unit) has to be described clearly.

6. Suggest to organize references alphabetically (as they r not numbered in the text)

7. Acronyms list in the front matter would be good.