After sharing these stories, review the course syllabi, reading/assignment schedule, and reading material and CREATE a plan for improving your weak area.


Review the Interpersonal Communication Skill Sets handout and identify your strongest (e.g., “non-verbal”) and weakest (e.g., “conflict management”) communication skill areas. These skill areas can be relevant to work, personal, or academic life. IDENTIFY these TWO areas in your response.

ILLUSTRATE your strong and weak areas with separate, detailed personal stories.

After sharing these stories, review the course syllabi, reading/assignment schedule, and reading material and CREATE a plan for improving your weak area.

Do the following in your plan:

DEFINE the outcomes clearly (what does it look like when you succeed?);

ARTICULATE realistic steps for improvement (these steps should be incremental);

ESTABLISH a timetable for reaching your goals (two months? three months? a semester?); and,

INCORPORATE course readings and/or video lecture material into your response as evidence of understanding and applying course concepts.