Provide a detailed outline and justification for qualitative research based upon the experience of pastoral caregivers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Methodology Template

This methodology should provide a detailed outline and justification for qualitative research based upon the experience of pastoral caregivers during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The methodology is based upon six semi-structured interviews of pastoral caregivers from the United Reformed Church. The paper should include a reflexive account based on the qualitative research, making reference to the research methods literature and any appropriate examples of other studies.

The following is an example template:

• Table of Contents

• Introduction (clarification of the focus of the paper, structure of the rest of the assignment)

• Research Design (research philosophy, general research design/methodology and justification for this)

• Research Methods (sampling strategy, research method – e.g., semi-structured interviews, data analysis, ethical considerations)

• Research Experience (a reflexive discussion covering the potential opportunities and challenges that could emerge during the research process)

• Conclusion (weaknesses and strengths of the methods used)

• References

• Appendices