Choose one of the passages below and prepare an analysis of it: explore and explain the meaning and significance of the passage.

Words: 450
Pages: 2
Subject: English

A Knights Tale

Secondary sources are not required or permitted for this assignment. It is worth 10% of your final grade in this course.

Choose one of the passages below and prepare an analysis of it. Your analysis should explore and explain the meaning and significance of the passage. Be careful not to impose on the passage, though. Your analysis, or exegesis, should explain the passage, not pass moral judgment on it.

Explain what you think the author means, not how you feel about the author’s meaning.

You should briefly place the passage in its context within the work (i.e., note in a sentence or two, but no more, anything of particular relevance that happens before or after; where does this passage appear in the text?). The analysis, however, is the most important component of this assignment. The majority of your submission should explain and analyze the meaning(s) of the passage, discuss the ways that the passage contributes to the themes and argument of the text as a whole, and identify any striking literary or rhetorical tools or imagery which the author uses to convey his or her point. Do not summarize the passage or the larger text; analyze the passage. Focus on this passage and don’t get bogged down in explaining the theme or plot of the work as a whole.

You might consider the following questions, but please do not simply answer them in a list.

1. What is the genre of the text (e.g., poetry, essay, novel, etc)? How does that genre affect the meaning?

2. What are the major themes and meanings of the work as a whole? How does this passage contribute to them? Does it complicate or refine those themes and meanings? How?
(You need to be aware of the themes of the work as a whole, but remember that this assignment is focused on a particular passage. Do not distract yourself by analyzing the overall theme at the expense of the particular aspect of the theme which appears in your chosen passage.)

3. What does the passage tell us about the characters involved? If applicable, which characters are speaking?

4. What is the significance of this particular passage?

5. Does the passage contain allusions to other texts? How do those allusions contribute to our reading of the passage? Does it contain assumptions which influence our understanding of the themes and meaning of the larger work?

Your response should be not more than 2 pages in length (600-700 words), so you will have to consider carefully what the most important aspects of the passage are. You cannot explain everything, so focus on what you see as the most significant aspects of its meaning, and explain them.