Describe how Goldman Sachs’ resilience training might influence different parts of the stress process as it is described in this chapter.

Mood pressure. Goldman Sachs’ resilience program involves lectures and onton-one coaching on an ongoing basis and quarterly resilience training for managers.

Every other year a -Resilience Week’ is held in which resilience-related activities and presentations take place. A core element of the resilience program involves mindfulness training. Workshops and other instruction is delivered to help employees become more alert and aware of the present moment. and to be less Judgmental The idea is that these capabilities allow people to think more clearly and to experience calmness nd happiness in highly demanding situations. Although some might be tempted to dismiss aining in resilience and mindfulness as fluffy managerial fads. employees believe that the rogram has been beneficial and are more happy with the company.

Identify and describe the types of demands that Goldman Sachs terzlzetsnetsnpae:= their jobs.

Explain why these employees can be motivated and i while also experiencing a great deal of stress.

5.2 Describe how Goldman Sachs’ resilience training might influence different parts of the stress process as it is described in this chapter.

5.3 Identify and describe potential limitations of Goldman Sachs’ resilience training program.

How can these limitations be mitigated?

Sources: Goldman Sachs. Corporate websitc. hups://wawgnidnuntachscumfoutirmnarshimi. W D Cohan. all . “rhea Pace: /71e :Veit Ion( Times.

“The Surprising Way Goldman Sighs ElnpiO)Ves Maintain their ‘Competio, Edge;’ Buunm /under. July 21. 2015. htips://www.bosin,ssinsidercornigoldrnansacluresthence-programs10110