Choose 3 of the Nursing Standards of Practice discussed in Step 3, that you wish to improve on during your clinical placement for NSG3NRC and/or your Graduate Nurse Program. Use the structured format within this portfolio to assist you in writing up an Action Plan that will help you develop strategies to address each of your 3 standards.


Choose 3 of the Nursing Standards of Practice discussed in Step 3, that you wish to improve on during your clinical placement for NSG3NRC and/or your Graduate Nurse Program. Use the structured format within this portfolio to assist you in writing up an Action Plan that will help you develop strategies to address each of your 3 standards.

Things to consider when writing up your action plan:

Your goal/s for each of your Nursing Standards, need/s to be specific (use the SMART acronym) to develop your plan.

The practice improvements and strategies you wish to employ need to be based on best practice and evidence based literature. So this section requires references.

APA 7 referencing for each standard no older than 10 years. I have picked the standards to use. There is also an attached example.