What actions am I going to take that will maximize my effectiveness in managing information to improve public services?

Discussion Thread

Part 1: So What?
• Are managing information and maximizing technology important to me as an elected or appointed public official, administrator, citizen, or another public sector stakeholder?

• Why or why not? As a veteran affairs employee technology is used to hire, store data, assist veterans, etc

Part 2: If So, Now What?

• What actions am I going to take that will maximize my effectiveness in managing information to improve public services?
• How will I stay current on emerging technologies that may have potential for improving public sector services?

Part 3: Guiding Principles

• Which principles will guide me in sifting through data and analyzing information that can help me do my work and benefit the persons I (and my agency) serve?
• Synthesize the above with a Biblical model of government and statesmanship.
Short Videos to Watch

1. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Watch%3a+Start+with+%27Why%27%3a+TED+Talk+with+Simon+Sinek&docid=608005539193828113&mid=484371BAB50BEE96D615484371BAB50BEE96D615&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

2. Watch: John Kotter—On Leadership – Bing video

3. John Kotter – Is Your Iceberg Melting? – YouTube

4. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Watch%3a+What+Is+Stakeholder+Engagement%3f&docid=608051074431532875&mid=E23014581EFA37439829E23014581EFA37439829&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

5. Enabling AI-Driven Public Sector Organizations – Bing video