Using the critical thinking question stems previously provided, write a question related to the topic of your op-ed.

Read chapter 8.
Seeing and Accepting Human Limitations


Godsey, M. (2017). Blind injustice. University of California Press (Previously Gifted)
Assignment 6

Next, counting as a case study, write an op-ed about some aspect of achieving justice more often. This can be from any topic covered in the text or relevant outside readings. It is yours! Write this as if you were writing an op-ed. This is intentional and this is a good exercise. Here is a link to some guidelines from the Harvard Kennedy School on how to do this:

Do outside research to make this powerful and succinct. No need to cite anything unless you are directly quoting someone, but that rarely happens in an op-ed. Read to become knowledgeable, but speak completely in your words…your opinion. Although it is an opinion, keep it objective yet powerful.

Here’s an example of an op-ed I published a few years back Trying Suspect No. 2

Discussion Week 8

Using the critical thinking question stems previously provided, write a question related to the topic of your op-ed.