What is the significance/take-home point/meaning of the specific piece of writing you read of the Sociologist’s work? Why is it important and relevant?


The length of Part 3 should be 3 pages in all,(2 pages + the Works Cited page), double spaced, 1 inch margins all around, and 12 point font.

You’ll include 2 headings in this paper: One is Critique of [your sociologist’s] Work

The second head is: Concluding Thoughts

Under the heading:

Critique of [your sociologist’s] Work

Use the piece of writing from Paper Part 2 as you complete this assignment.

1. Do you think the theorist was operating under any specific or general assumptions about people and the social world? If so, what were these assumptions, and how did they shape the analysis? Examples of assumptions might be things like “people are selfish by nature”, “in a city, people behave differently than they would in another type of place”, “the purpose of our education system is primarily to provide a pool of job applicants who have the skills employers want”. Be sure to ask me if you are unsure.

A person’s opinion is based solely on their personal feelings about something.

An assumption is a conclusion that a person comes to, on their own, but is based on combining different “clues” or pieces of information/knowledge that did not originate within themself.

So, it can be a bit of a fine line between the two. Let me offer an example:

Opinion — I like to eat oranges.

Assumption — The bright color and sweet taste makes the orange a popular fruit.

2. What aspects of the Sociologist’s personal life may shed some insight into their piece of writing that you read?

3. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the writing you read?

Under the heading,

Concluding Thoughts

4. What is the significance/take-home point/meaning of the specific piece of writing you read of the Sociologist’s work? Why is it important and relevant?

5. Conclude this section with your Works Cited page. Use In text citations.