Discuss and expand on one of the most important IR best practices. • Write a 2 to 3 page academic paper, with a separate title page and reference list in APA format. 280-286.

The type of incident response from an organization when a threating event happens could decide whether the organization is going to survive. Incident response doesn’t just happen when an event happens. In fact, it is an ongoing organizational effort. Kobus et al. (2015) give some enlightening “Best Practices” which may or may not be all inclusive.

• Kobus, T. J., Hoffman, C. A., & Pittman, F. P. (2015). Chapter 38: Cyber incident response. In M. Rosenquist (Ed.), Navigating the digital age: The definitive cybersecurity guide for directors and officers (Links to an external site.) [PDF file size 6.0 MB] (pp. 267-274). Chicago, IL: Caxton Business & Legal, Inc. Retrieved from https://www.securityroundtable.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Cybersecurity-9780996498203-no_marks.pdf

You will do the following:

• Discuss and expand on one of the most important IR best practices.
• Write a 2 to 3 page academic paper, with a separate title page and reference list in APA format. 280-286
• 50% of the citations must be from peer-reviewed journals not more than five (5) years old.
• Minimize direct quotes to no more than three short quotes
• A majority of the writing should be a discussion, analysicgos, and synthesis of current research.