Identify the healthcare impact – how does this affect the industry in the future? Patient care – how does this affect the interaction with patients and care givers?

Current Events  Guideline

This week the news have to be National News.

Each week you will submit a current events article – below are guidelines:

a. Provide the link to the article or cut/paste the actual article into a word document for submission.
b. Do not use articles that are older than 14 days.
c. Articles must have healthcare and financial impact.
d. Articles can come from a variety of sources. These do not have to be from peer reviewed journals.
a) EX: daily chronicle, newspaper, easy access Google/Yahoo healthcare news

Components of your write-up / Be sure to answer the following questions (at minimum)
Each question is 25 points

1) Identify the healthcare impact – how does this affect the industry in the future?
a) Patient care – how does this affect the interaction with patients and care givers?
2) Identify the financial impact
a) This about reimbursement
b) Cash pay patients
c) What about patients who are undocumented
3) Identify the community health impact
a) Will this be something that would be available for wide audience of patients
4) How does this impact you as a healthcare administrator