Determine whether the Race/Ethnicity variable is categorical or continuous. How do you know? Calculate the appropriate summary statistic(s) and create an appropriate data visualization to describe the variable.

Make sure to submit ONE-word file and TWO excel files

Each assignment includes three questions, which can be short answer (qualitative) questions or math (quantitative) questions.

Question 1 Quantitative Exercise

Now that you have learned how to compute a correlation using the CORREL function in Excel, please practice running additional correlations using the same data and answer the following questions. Be sure to interpret the sign and magnitude.

1. What is the correlation between Employee Engagement and Sales Revenue?

2. Consider the sign and the magnitude of the correlation. How would you describe the nature of the relation between Engagement and Sales Revenue to a manager who does not know what a correlation coefficient means?

3. What is the correlation between Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction?

4. Consider the sign and the magnitude of the correlation. How would you describe the nature of the relation between Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction?
5. Attach a copy of the dataset with your work/computation included when submitting the assignment on Canvas.

Question 2 Quantitative Exercise

Now that you have learned how to describe categorical and continuous variables in Excel, please do the following:

1. Determine whether the Race/Ethnicity variable is categorical or continuous. How do you know? Calculate the appropriate summary statistic(s) and create an appropriate data visualization to describe the variable.

2. Determine whether the Engagement variable is categorical or continuous. How do you know? Calculate the appropriate summary statistic(s) and create an appropriate data visualization to describe the variable.

3. Determine whether the Base Pay variable is categorical or continuous. How do you know? Calculate the appropriate summary statistic(s) and create an appropriate data visualization to describe the variable.

4. What is the difference between categorical and continuous measurement?

5. Attach a copy of the dataset with your work/computation included when submitting the assignment on Canvas.

6. After completing the Excel descriptive analytics, which categorical or continuous variable did you find most important to the results? What might be the best method for collecting this data in the first place?

Question 3

Briefly describe what is business ethics. How can a business organization integrate business ethics into HR decision-making process?

Based on the framework outlined in the SHRM Code of Ethics, choose a business situation from the news or the HR literature where principles from the SHRM Code of Ethics could have made a difference. Specifically, what did the decision makers do right, or what could they have done better?