Study the trends in “Any broadband, including cellular,” “No computing device,” “Smartphone only, no other device,” and “Percent in poverty” between two States (e.g. New York vs. New Jersey) from this link. In 150 to 200 words, write your analysis and let other students comment on your insights.

Words: 143
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

M8: SDOH Analytics


Study the trends in “Any broadband, including cellular,” “No computing device,” “Smartphone only, no other device,” and “Percent in poverty” between two States (e.g. New York vs. New Jersey) from this link. In 150 to 200 words, write your analysis and let other students comment on your insights.

Task 2

Refer to the table below to work on the attached “Dataset 2018_EDITED.xlsx” (extracted from 2018 SDOH beta data files). Select any 3 “FACTORS” from different “Domains” and correlate them to any 1 of the “OUTCOMES” and perform multiple regression. Use dataset from any two States/Countries (minimum) or ALL Countries (maximum). Watch this video tutorial. Share your Excel here as a link or a file.
Task 3

Record your data analytics (Task 2) in a video and share here so other students can learn more. Your DATA should convert to WISDcgoOM when you articulate insights.