How do you now define risk as opposed to your understanding of risk before taking this course? Give a real life, fictitious, or news/media example.

Risk and management course

Risk Management & Insurance. For your Midterm Essay, write a paper, at least 3 pages, summarizing what you have learned.


(1) How do you now define risk as opposed to your understanding of risk before taking this course? Give a real life, fictitious, or news/media example.

(2) How do our personal risk profiles affect us and society?

(3) How does a personal and/or business risk profile benefit or harm society? You may use your own profile, a fictitious example, or a news/media story etc.

(4) What steps can you, or a business, take to mitigate and manage risk? What are the costs in monetary and non-monetary terms?

(5) Finally, how can you and/or a business use insurance to mitigate risk? You can and should, incorporate this question with #3 as they are linked.