Provide a paragraph to discuss Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill. Discuss one of the following areas. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment?

Film Evaluation Instruction

Film to be evaluated: Darkest Hour
Subject: Acting

Provide a paragraph to discuss Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill. Discuss one of the following areas. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment?

•Is the actor consistently believable in the portrayal of the character, or does he or she occasionally fall out of character?

•If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be overdramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

•In which specific scenes is the acting especially effective or ineffective? Why?

Book link: The Art of Watching Film

Read Chapter 10 – go to Page Overview to find the chapter.