How the findings of this study compared with other studies mentioned in this article? Assessment Criteria and Submission – Very Important  A satisfactory completion of this assignment requires Submission of one typed journal entry.

Journal Assessment Overview of task  Task: Journal Assessment   Length: Approximately 450 words.

Details of the task  Part 1: Yüksel, A. ( 1 ), & Bahadır Yılmaz, E. ( 2 ). (2020). The effects of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in nursing students: A quasi-experimental study.  Nurse Education Today ,  85 .


1. What was the overall aim of this research?

2. Briefly define Mindfulness, making reference to depression, anxiety and stress.

3. Briefly describe the participants and methods used in this research

4. What were the main findings of this research?

5. What is your opinion about students’ stress and anxiety levels.  Give two reasons why it may be different to the general population.

6. How the findings of this study compared with other studies mentioned in this article? Assessment Criteria and Submission – Very Important  A satisfactory completion of this assignment requires Submission of one typed journal entry.

Questions to be answered correctly (for more or less “factual” questions) and/or thoughtfully (for questions requiring more reflection). It is not sufficient to copy answers verbatim from the journal articles. You will need to paraphrase your answers. Journal entry must be submitted in the Journal Assignment Dropbox on the day of your seminar class for Session 3.