Based on the responses,  develop a professional development plan for your school in just one area.

week 5 essay 521

Paper details:

Make sure you check out a school improvement plan before starting this assignment. Here is an example link

Look especially at page 6 where it discusses the goal of student growth in each area.

This activity will give you some practice in constructing and analyzing information for your needs assessment based upon your school improvement plan. Limit your survey to10-20 questions. These questions could focus on ways a coach could support teachers in instructional strategies, student support services, student safety, etc.

You may choose any area of your choice from your school improvement plan.

Have at least 5-10 people in your school setting take your survey. You can have more if you would like. You may administer the survey either online or pencil and paper whichever works best for your school.

Based on the responses,  develop a professional development plan for your school in just one area. This could focus on instructional strategies, technology, student safety, a specific content, or any area that is appropriate for your school.

As you develop your professional development plan, make sure to include at least five activities the coach could facilitate to address the needs identified in your survey. These could include professional development on a specific topic through coaching, book studies, action research, modeling, workshops, etc. and the data you will use to determine if these activities are being effective from both the student and the teacher perspective.

Then develop a Walk Through Protocol which can provide data from the teacher perspective to evaluate the school-wide implementation of the items you identified in your professional development plan. Then describe how technology will be used to promote collaboration and differentiated professional learning.

Needs Assessment Survey Results due by Saturday. As you come up with your recommendations for what the coach can do to help address the area of need. Using your presentation skills construct a Walk Through Protocol that focuses on the instructional emphasis you have decided upon bascgoed on the data from your needs assessment.