Provide proper citations for any sources used, and include a “Works Cited” page listing its references. Section 1.5: “Story of a Good Brahmin” by Voltaire (Velasquez 44- 45)Voltaire was well-known for being a critic of established institutions (the government, religions, academics, etc.) using social satire.

Provide proper citations for any sources used, and include a “Works Cited” page listing its references.

Section 1.5: “Story of a Good Brahmin” by Voltaire (Velasquez 44- 45)Voltaire was well-known for being a critic of established institutions (the government, religions, academics, etc.) using social satire.

If you choose this short story, you will need to augment your paper with references to peer-reviewed articles that analyze Voltaire’s short story, and provide your own critical analysis of his message (themes and commentary).