Demonstrate content understanding through the way information is selected and described (the more you use your own words to describe concepts, the easier it is to determine that you understand the information).

You just have to answer these questions below, 500-800 words each, and also I included how it will be graded

1. For the period 600 BCE to 1200 CE, compare and contrast the societies of Africa with the societies of the Americas. (This can be done by selecting several points of comparison, and then using just one or two societies from Africa and one or two from the Americas as examples to illustrate your points).

2. Compare and contrast the society and culture of the Islamic Civilization and Christian Civilization (“Christendom”) during the period of time Strayer calls the “Third Wave” of civilization, and what is also sometimes called the “Middle Ages” (approximately 600-1450 CE at its broadest). Please note, this is not asking you to compare the religious beliefs of the religions of Islam and Christianity, but rather to focus on the broader society and culture of these two civilizations.

3. All of these chapters in Part 3 of your texbook talk about the impact of increasing connection between civilizations (whether through trade, exploration, or conquest) on cultures (including religions). What do you feel were the three most important cultural impacts of these growing connections, and why did you pick those?

4. First, explain how a relatively small number of Mongols come to create the world’s largest land empire. Second, think about Part 3 of your book (which includes Chapters 7-12): All of Part 3 deals with increasing interactions between civilizations as trade and commerce expanded, and about how the cultures of the world were changed because of this. So then, why is there a chapter about the Mongols in this section of the book? (Or put another way – describe the role the Mongols played in creating a more interconnected world).

Grading Criteria for Exam Essays

This criteria is for one 25-point essay (on an exam with multiple essays). To adequately address the criteria below, each 25-point essay should take approximately 500-800 words to answer.

2 points (8%)
Essay format, with a clear (and brief) introduction. Information is incorporated into the narrative of the essay in an organized way. Grammar and punctuation mistakes do not detract from the essay.

4 points (16%)
Essay addresses all parts of the question. The essay is balanced (meaning, it does not focus too much on one part of the question while insufficiently addressing another part).

4 points (16%)
Essay demonstrates critical thinking and depth of analysis, including the ability to bring together and connect information from various time periods and regions in meaningful ways when responding to the question. See below for more about critical thinking.

5 points (24%)
Uses appropriate specific examples (ideally from the book or discussion forums), with one or two examples to support each assertion in the essay.

10 points (40%)
Demonstrate content understanding through the way information is selected and described (the more you use your own words to describe concepts, the easier it is to determine that you understand the information). This is also closely linked with the use of specific examples (the more you select and explain appropriate examples and connect them to your ideas, the more evident “understanding” will be).