After viewing and reading Callahan’s article “The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decision-Making”, write a 4-5 (double-spaced) page paper that either supports or refutes Callahan’s argument about emotions in ethical decision-making.

After viewing and reading Callahan’s article “The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decision-Making”, write a 4-5 (double-spaced) page paper that either supports or refutes Callahan’s argument about emotions in ethical decision-making.

You must find and cite (in a standard citation format like APA or MLA) at least 2 credible external sources as part of your argument (your friend’s personal opinion is not a credible source – a peer-reviewed academic article is. information here: (Links to an external site.) If you are still confused/need help, please send me an email).

Your grade will be based on:

Whether you included (and cited as part of your argument) at least 2 credible external sources.
How well you demonstrate that you understand Callahan’s argument.
The clarity, strength, and persuasiveness of your argument for or against Callahan’s argument.