Address why the person continues to use (integrate the model that best fits your perspective), or why they stopped using. Finally, answer this question- why do people use substances when there is such overwhelming evidence that it can be harmful to you?


Please follow the instructions EXACTLY.

First, assess Mrs. XX along the Eight Causal Factors on pp. 41-42 in the Johnson text (attached):


1. Availability of substances-Substances being readily accessible is a necessary condition of substance abuse; however, is not a factor, in and of itself, that results in an individual using substances.

2. Onset of action- Substances that act quickly to mask symptoms and alter mood are more prone to abuse. Additionally, the benefit being sought by using a specific substance plays a role in the choice of substance used.

3. Biological predisposition- There appears to be some genetic predisposition to alcoholism. There may be numerous biological factors involved in the development of substance dependence.

4. Childhood experiences and environment- Learning theory states that behaviors are handed down from one generation to another. The issue of “identification” may be at work when children unconsciously adopt behaviors or learn through modeling the various characteristics of their caretakers and other role models while growing up. Other factors playing a role under the rubric of experiences would be neglect and various forms of abuse and the impact on coping, etc.

5. Culture- Socially sanctioned versus prohibition based upon cultural, familial, peer, and spiritual-religious beliefs.

6. Socioeconomic status-Influences the availability of resources, the density of liquor stores, advertising, etc.

7. Development of tolerance, psychological dependence, and physical dependence

8. Mental illness-Disorders that commonly underlie substance abuse include affective disorders, mood disorders, somatoform disorders, and personality disorders.

Comment on each causal factor to offer an opinion as to whether or not you believe Mrs. XX has the ability to manage medications with abuse potential. Utilize the case information and additional resources to support your contentions.

Then, pulling in what we are learning in these last few units, using this case example or one from your own work (give brief demographics and presenting problem), describe the effects of substance use and the development of the addiction problem. Also, address why the person continues to use (integrate the model that best fits your perspective), or why they stopped using. Finally, answer this question- why do people use substances when there is such overwhelming evidence that it can be harmful to you?