Identify a belief you previously held about one of the following topics: consent, pleasure, the impacts of white supremacy on sex, the impact of settler colonialism on sex, or the 6 major components of optimal sexual experience (slide 51).

Words: 394
Pages: 2
Subject: Education

Follow this exactly and the rubric as well, please.


400-500 words maximum (approx. 2 pages, excluding photo(s), must be double spaced) 12 pt. font, standard margins, use APA citation style.


In Week 6 we were asked to “re-think” sexual education by adding and exploring information about consent, pleasure, Afrosexology, decolonizing sex, and the components of optimal sexual experiences (slide 51). For this assignment, you are being asked to take your rethinking even deeper, by focusing on one of the following topics as a curious scientist, and to embrace the “joy of being wrong” as evidence you’ve learned something new. Please follow and include all the components in bold below.

*The inspiration for this assignment is from the work of Dr. Adam Grant, including his book “Think Again” (2021). Viking Press.

Components to include:

Part 1: (should be approximately 1 page or half of the total assignment length)

Belief- Identify a belief you previously held about one of the following topics: consent, pleasure, the impacts of white supremacy on sex, the impact of settler colonialism on sex, or the 6 major components of optimal sexual experience (slide 51). Clearly name the belief, even if you no longer believe it.

Source – Ask yourself, where did this belief come from? Describe the source(s), how the belief was presented to you, and why you took it on as one of your own beliefs.

Curiosity – Ask yourself, what might happen if this belief were wrong? Describe some potential consequences on you and others for holding this belief as true. Open your mind to the possibility that there are disadvantages to having this belief, and explore those.

Part 2: (should be approximately 1 page or half of the total assignment length)

Evidence – Using 2 assigned resources from Week 6 (lecture, PowerPoint, videos, readings, etc…), seek out information that goes against the belief you listed in Part 1. Citing each source appropriately, describe how the evidence you found challenges your initial assumption.

Joy of Being Wrong – “When you find out you’ve made a mistake, take it as a sign that you’ve just discovered something new” (Grant*, 252). Reflect on the following questions: What did it feel like to challenge your own belief? Did you find that your initial belief had been mistaken? What did it feel like to actively seek out information to prove yourself wrong? What did you learn from the evidence you found?

Part 3:

Include a full bibliography of all the sources you used, using APA citation style. See Purdue Owl APA guidelines website for instructions. Bibliography