Does the sensationalism of the murder (the fact that four bodies are found at once in one location followed by the discovery of several body parts nearby soon after) make the crimes more palatable to the public, meaning, do people only begin to care when there are multiple victims/a serial killer may be involved? Why?

Prompt: Does the sensationalism of the murder (the fact that four bodies are found at once in one location followed by the discovery of several body parts nearby soon after) make the crimes more palatable to the public, meaning, do people only begin to care when there are multiple victims/a serial killer may be involved? Why?

paper details: This is an analytical paper; if you haven’t read the link I provided in the Unit One Schedule OR the handout “About Your Essays” in the Unit Two modules, stop here and go back to view these. An analysis means that you will be making an argument about the theme/message/subtext of a particular aspect of the book and supporting it with examples from the book. Please do not submit a summary of the text. Please name the author and title in your introduction and thesis. Please note that your paper MUST be three full pages in length and MUST adhere to MLA guidelines, meaning that you should label your paper properly, cite your sources correctly, and include a Works Cited page. Please note that you must incorporate specific quotes from the texts all of which will then be included on a Works Cited page and submitted with all of your papers, including this one.

There is only one source. Lost Girls: an Unsolved American Mystery by Robert Kolker