Demonstrate your understanding of the foundational knowledge of communication, caring and development of therapeutic relationships that underpins nursing and care practices.

Words: 131
Pages: 1
Subject: Nursing

Essentials of Nursing and Care
Assessment 2: Report
Weighting: 60%
Length: 1500 words

Note that reports received after the due date/time will be penalised 5% for each day that it is overdue unless a Special Consideration is submitted (prior to the due date) and approved. All reports need to be submitted via Turnitin.


Watch the video on ‘Person centred care’ (which is available on BB in the Report folder under Assessments). Write a report on Insights into person centred care.

Your report needs to be structured into five sections using the headings Introduction, Results, Discussion, Reflective Review, and Conclusion. Please include these headings in your report.

Learning outcome of assessment: To demonstrate your understanding of the foundational knowledge of communication, caring and development of therapeutic relationships that underpins nursing and care practices.

What is a Report?
A report is a statement that supports the issue that is being developed. You will need to research the topic and develop a report on ‘Insights into person centred care’. Follow the recommended structure for your report. Use the unit assessor video-recording which provides you with more information on how to proceed.

Recommended structure –

1. Introduction: 1 paragraph 200 words
No references
2. Results 1 paragraph 250 words
Reference of video required
3. Discussion 4 paragraphs 600 words (or 200 words/paragraph)
References required to support arguments
4. Reflective review. 1-2 paragraphs 250 words
References required to support reflective practice
5. Conclusion 1 paragraph 200 words.
No references

Writing of report
Introduction and conclusion. Open the hyperlink to have a better understanding on how to frame your introduction and conclusion.
How to address introduction and conclusion

From your viewing of the video provide your insights into person centred care. Provide 3-4 areas of insights.
-caring communication
-trust and confidence
– patient-nurse relationship
-own attitudes and perceptions
-awareness of patient’s narratives and perspective
– importance of listening

Discussion (should be based on some important points to these insights)
Paragraph 1: how insights in general can help you as a student nurse e.g.
-provide a better understanding of the nurse’s role
-help in building a therapeutic patient -nurse relationship
-benefits for the patient
-partners in care
-provide a supportive context
-allows for uniqueness of each patient

Paragraph 2: Discuss your first insight and support your arguments based on the literature

Paragraph 2: Discuss your second insight and support your arguments based on the literature

Paragraph 3: Discuss your third insight and support your arguments based on the literature

Reflective review
Provide your reflections on how these insights can help you in your role as a professional student nurse.

Read about reflective practice: Irwin, P., Coutts, R. 2017. Learning through reflection. SPROUT: A schema to teach reflective practice. Journal of Education and Practices. 8(36), 1-8