Research and write an essay that discusses a cause’s multiple effects or an effect’s multiple causes.

Words: 266
Pages: 1
Subject: Aviation

Rough Draft Due for peer editing (3 copies)


Assignment: Research and write an essay that discusses a cause’s multiple effects or an effect’s multiple causes. For example:

Cause: Texting while driving.


1. Car crashes

2. Injury or death

3. Increase in revenue from ticket fines

4. More difficult for police officers to do their jobs because it’s difficult to catch


Effect: Car Crashes due to texting


People addicted to texting
The invincibility complex
“The office starts at the end of the driveway” mentality—working in the car
The prevalence of iPhones, Droids, and other smart phones

Must be 3-4 typed double-spaced pages. use the MLA formatting guidelines passed out in class.
Must contain at least 3 sources, at least one of which must be print (which means anything written, so it could be something you find online). Sources can be interviews, films, books, newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, websites, etc.

Must contain a cause followed by at least three effects OR an effect followed by at least three causes.
Last page must be Works Cited (this does not count toward your 3 page minimum)
Quotes and paraphrases within your essay must be parenthetically cited. Remember, any time you use someone else’s idea, even if you put it in your own words, you must cite it.
No more than 10 % of your essay should be direct quotations. More can, however, be paraphrased.

Suggestion: Draw upon the techniques we discussed for the personal narrative: climactic introductions, sensory details, dialogue, unity between intro and conclusion.

Choose a submission type
Three copies in Microsoft Word or as per paragraph above