Demonstrate your understanding of key historical and structural implications that marginalized communities experience as they aspire to fulfill the Dream of Home Ownership.


Demonstrate your understanding of key historical and structural implications that marginalized communities experience as they aspire to fulfill the Dream of Home Ownership.

Critically analyze the cultural implication of race and gender in the Dream of Home Ownership for socially and economically marginalized communities.


Write a 3 page paper that addresses one of the topics below.
Use standard, university-level English; proofread grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc., before turning in your paper.

Argumentation is paramount: you should make a claim (thesis) and support it with evidence and/or reason (logic).

Some minimal outside research is required, so you may find that you need to look up facts or data or ideas to make your argument.

Use a standard citation style for all information, data, ideas that are not your own (APA, Chicago, and MLA formats are all acceptable). Plagiarism is not only dishonorable; it’s a crime.
Due to Canvas: upload to by Sunday, May 1st (Midnight: 11:59 pm) via PDF file format.
You should demonstrate you are in conversations with our course texts for this unit. Make sure you are including these voices in your analysis to support or demonstrate points of disagreement: Cullen, Cisneros, Thoreau, Hansberry’s play on film, and the articles on the history of housing discrimination that were assigned.

Grading: Both writing (style and form) and content (argument) count. You should be demonstrating or developing your written communication skills & your skills at thinking, critiquing and evaluating. An “A” essay will demonstrate mastery of both skills and the content of Jefferson’s philosophy, as well as your own ability to think critically and creatively about an important philosophical issue. A “C” essay will have a surface-level understanding of Jefferson’s work and will demonstrate that key skills are in development. A “B” grade will fall somewhere between. A “D” or “F” are unacceptable, incomplete, or fail to meet the minimum requirements of the assignment