Prepare the following sections for the paper in accordance with the instructions from the journal, Nutrients.

Associations between Alcohol Consumptions and CVD

risk factors of UK Adults: A cross-sectional Analysis of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

UK SPELLING. CITATION like instructed.

You have been asked to undertake secondary analysis, using descriptive statistics and regression analysis, of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) for adults, to determine the cross-sectional associations between alcohol and CVD risk.

The report will be written up in the style of a peer review paper.

Prepare the following sections for the paper in accordance with the instructions from the journal, Nutrients. Do not adjust the font size or line spacing in the template. You DO NOT need to write an abstract or introductory paragraph or keywords.


1) Title and state the research question/aim: Title: Associations between Alcohol Consumptions and CVD risk factors of UK Adults: A cross-sectional Analysis of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

Aim: To examine how alcohol intakes were associated to risk factors for CVD in UK adults aged 19-64. The risk factors investigated were anthropometric measures as adiposity indicators, serum lipid makeup, blood pressure, homocysteine, folate and vitamin B6 status.

2) Methods

3) Results:

4) Discussion: Write a short discussion of the findings in relation to 3-5 KEY papers identified.

The discussion is there to ‘discuss’ your results and should not restate the results section. Remember to clearly outline the aim of the study, the main outcomes and the strengths and limitations of the paper. This section should flow and incorporate latest research to support your explanation of the results.

5) Conclusion.

6) Reference list.