How does the nurse provide care to the “whole” client, incorporating within the care the cultural context of the values and beliefs.

Words: 361
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Cultural Project
Start Assignment

• Points 100
Nur 174- Foundations of Nursing 1- Project Rubric
Did the group meet the designated time for presentation of the project?
(10 points deducted each day late including the weekend)

Project Instructions:
• Group presentation of Culture or Diversity Topic (Topic will be assigned-see groups below)
• The project will be presented by your group on 07/14/2022. All members of the group must participate with both completing the project and with its presentation – this should be organized prior to the presentation by your group. I recommend choosing a group leader to assist with organization.
• Each group of students will develop a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and reference page), a Teaching Power Point presentation on their group assigned topic and 2 NCLEX style questions based on topic.
Culture and Diversity Topic:
(these will be your assigned groups throughout the term

• Religion: Group 6- Patricia, David, Gertrude, Marcy
Paper: 85 points possible • Use approved journal or current events article: 10pts
-Must use at least 2 articles
– Use scholarly resources, Web MD and Wikipedia are not approved resources
• Article/event must not be more than 5 years: 5pts
• Discuss how your chosen diversity topic impacts healthcare/ nursing care :40 pts
(To obtain all 40 points each one of these bullets should be included)
o Brief overview of the chosen topic
o What beliefs and values affect their health care?
o What medical problems are common? (if applicable)
o Nursing Interventions – what special care is given to this population?
o How does the nurse provide care to the “whole” client, incorporating within the care the cultural context of the values and beliefs.
o Identify at least 3 interventions the nurse will do to provide care for this population.
• Typed, Times new roman, size 12, double spaced: 5pts
• Title page should include: 5pts
o Title of article
o Name
o Course and course number
o ECPI university
o Date
• Reference page: 10pts
o Separate page ( not part of your 2-3)
o APA format- not referenced by…
o If you are unsure of how to do APA format then see Librarian for assistance or look up a reference generator on internet

• Grammar and Spelling: 5pts
• Length: 2-3 pages (not including title/reference page): 5pts