Research the topic thoroughly meaning research points of support as well as all oppositional arguments that may surround the topic you chose.

Persuasive Speech

The successful student will follow their chosen topics through the exercises embedded in the course on research, audience analysis, thesis development, introduction strategies, and strategical appeals, while maintaining the highest ethics in citation and academic rigor. The Persuasive presentation is valued at 30% of your overall grade.

The Outline is graded as a semester-long research assignment. The successful student will be driven in herihis research for the development of this assignment. The outline is not an essay. Essays, or Manuscripts will not be considered in lieu of an outline. Outlines must include a title page, and an MLA work cited page with a minimum of 5 academic sources and no more than 10 sources total (3 academics, 2 popular).

The successful student will demonstrate the highest ethical standards and academic rigor in hislher writing. A student might utilize a variety of strategic appeals in a single outline. The Outline is valued at 20% of your overall grade.

Visual Aid is required for this assignment. The successful student will continue to develop the visual aid campaign assigned in week 8 for use in the persuasive. The use of visual aid is required and worth 10% of your overall grade.

Details for the Persuasive Speech Assignment

• Locate, read and print a debatable topic from a major news source*.

• Determine what path of persuasion your speech is going to follow (to re-emphasize**, to call to action***, or to change an presumed already held belief, or attitude****).

• Research the topic thoroughly meaning research points of support as well as all oppositional arguments that may surround the topic you chose.

• Organize your research into the preferred outline format (informative or persuasive).

• Prepare the Introduction into the proper outline as follows.