Create an APA-style compliant document that contains all sections listed in the ‘Case-Study Main Document.’

Tools and Processes in Project Management

M2-Case Study Activity

From this module, you start to review the Case Study Main Document and familiarize yourself with its contents. In future modules, you keep adding more contents to your work. All module case study activities are your personal learning notes, that will draw from the course reading and all other activities. save this case study, and use it for the rest of the term.

For this first module, you need to:

• Create an APA-style compliant document that contains all sections listed in the ‘Case-Study Main

• Make sure to include automated Table of Contents.

If you are not familiar with the APA style document, you may want to review the following web page

If you need help with inserting automated table of contents, look at the following YouTube clip: