Based on the needs of the organization, assessed through interaction with key representatives,  submit a formatted report of a minimum of 24 pages.

Security Risk Assessment Report Final (APA 7th)

The Critical (Capstone) Assignment provides students with the opportunity to apply critical thinking skills, utilizing topics covered in this course and throughout the Cybersecurity program to formulate a Security Risk Assessment for an existing organization, identified by the student.

Based on the needs of the organization, assessed through interaction with key representatives,  submit a formatted report of a minimum of 24 pages (not including Title, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, References, and Appendices), utilizing APA 7th Edition formatting, and following specific content requirements provided during weeks 1-8 and outlined according to the following format utilizing the included template:

Security Risk Assessment Report Format

Title page
Executive Summary (Week 8)
Table of Contents
Introduction (Week 1)
Methodology (Week 2)
Pre-assessment (Week 3)
On-site assessment (Week 4)
Post-assessment Agenda
Findings, Discussion, Recommendations
Information Security (Week 5)
Internet Security
Network Security
Backup and Recovery
Physical Security (Week 6)
Wireless Security
Cybersecurity Training
Account Access
Role Access
Summary (Week 7)
Pre-assessment visit task list
On-site visit task list
Post-assessment visit task list