Analyse critically the main internal and external factors that led to the emergence and success of the Ottoman Empire.

Analyse critically the main internal and external factors that led to the emergence and success of the Ottoman Empire.

An essay is a written response to a question or statement. This response requires an in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Essays assess your ability to see relationships between concepts. In an essay, you are expected to:

Express your opinion or point of view
Find sources to independently support your claims
Cite and reference your sources appropriately
Present your work in an appropriate format
Suggested approach to the task:

Before you start writing your essay, I recommend using the following steps. This process has been designed to assist you in understanding a text by identifying the key considerations that will play a significant role in adequately contextualizing your passage.

Undertake topic readings, access your lecture slides, watch relevant recorded lectures with the intent to understand and critically analyse the text/question/topic/theme. A good set of notes will help with the writing of essays and will ensure that everything is said in your own words. Students who do not take lecture notes often end up copying material from books and the internet, which can lead to plagiarism.

Undertake related reading through a literature search that focuses on your topic and writing in the context you have selected. You can refer to this resource to help you get started with research

Consider how you will approach the topic and develop a plan for the written discussion.
Write your initial draft. You can refer to this resource to help you
Edit and proof read your work very carefully.

Adhere to the word limit (2500 words). note that this does not include the front page, footnotes and bibliography/references list.

Ensure you have followed the correct structure for your in-text citations, footnotes and bibliography/references list. For Chicago style referencing, you can refer to this resource