Select a recent research article from the primary scientific literature that addresses a topic concerning stem cells. Then write your own article, designed for a non-scientific audience, explaining the study and findings in the primary paper.

 Newspaper Science

Select a recent research article from the primary scientific literature that addresses a topic concerning stem cells. Then write your own article, designed for a non-scientific audience, explaining the study and findings in the primary paper.

The research paper you select may be related to any type of stem cell or any topic, either basic or applied, related to stem cells. However, it MUST be recent (no older than 3 years).

Your article should mimic the format of a real newspaper or magazine article. While your article must include an accurate description of the findings of the scientific research article, it must also be accessible and interesting to a general audience.

Select a primary scientific paper with an experiment focused on stem cells. This can be about
foundational understanding of stem cells or can be applied, as long as the study is recent and is
cell biological. Clinical trials are NOT acceptable.

Pick the publication you’re going to pretend to write for: decide what type of article you are
writing (newspaper or magazine) and then select a specific publication for which you are writing
(i.e. The Philadelphia Inquirer, New York Times, Newsweek, Scientific American, Men’s Health,
Prevention, etc.).

The annotated bibliography of the Newspaper Science assignment must include at least 5
sources on your topic. There must be at least one source from each type (tertiary (web-sites,
textbooks, newspaper articles), secondary (scientific review articles), and primary (peer-reviewed
papers in scientific journals).

Annotate each citation by including a very brief (1-3 sentences) description of the most important
points from the article. These sentences should describe what points you would use the citation
to make in your article.