Describe the language/communication practice you selected and the rationale for why you chose this strategy.

ResearchBased Language and Communication Strategy: (70 points)
Provide the following in your presentation:

1. Describe the language/communication practice you selected and the rationale for why you chose this strategy.

2. Provide a brief description of the intervention and the context the intervention would be delivered (e.g., location, who will deliver the intervention, frequency of

3. Describe the 2 studies you identified supporting your intervention:

a. What is the title of the article?

b. What is the purpose and/or research questions of the study?3

c. How many participants are in the study (e.g., 5, 50, 500) and who are the participants (e.g., students with disabilities, teachers)?

d. How (e.g., surveys, focus groups, observations) and when (e.g., once a week, three times a year, one interview) did the researchers collect data in the study?

e. What are 3 key findings that were revealed in the results and/or discussion?

4. Discuss 12 treatment goals for your target child. What is the strategy aiming to increase or decrease? (e.g., pragmatic skills such as eye contact and attending to
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