What are some of the most compelling intercul- tural communication challenges that will have to be managed over the next 50 years? Why?

Dominant culture values

  1. What are some of the most compelling intercul- tural communication challenges that will have to be managed over the next 50 years? Why?
  1. How do you think the United States becoming a “minority majority” nation will influence domi- nant culture values?
  1. How can culture influence different perceptions of human rights? What is an example?
  1. What are some generalizations about life in the United States that an international exchange student might draw from watching The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, or your favorite television show?

5.Identify some of the culturally related challenges involved in an international relief response to aCreative writing Dominant culture values

1. What are some of the most compelling intercul- tural communication challenges that will have to be managed over the next 50 years? Why?

2. How do you think the United States becoming a “minority majority” nation will influence domi- nant culture values?

3. How can culture influence different perceptions of human rights? What is an example?

4. What are some generalizations about life in the United States that an international exchange student might draw from watching The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, or your favorite television show?

5.Identify some of the culturally related challenges involved in an international relief response to a communicable disease outbreak.

6. Identify a problem in your own life where communication has only worsened the situation.

communicable disease outbreak.

  1. Identify a problem in your own life where communication has only worsened the situation.