Discuss the criminal liability of Margherita for murder only, including relevant defence(s).

Words: 107
Pages: 1
Subject: Criminal law

Discuss the criminal liability of Margherita for murder only, including relevant defence(s). However, do not discuss the law of insanity.

Instructions to follow in answering the coursework Question:

  1. This coursework requires you to accurately and precisely state and apply the law of murder (including causation in relation to the actus reus) and voluntary manslaughter (BOTH diminished responsibility and loss of control) to the fictional problem scenario provided in the question.
  2. The word limit is 1,500 words. You must not go over this word limit.  Your tutor reserves the right not to mark any words that exceed this word limit.
  3. The word limit DOES NOT include footnotes or bibliography
  4. You need to ensure that your work is submitted in the appropriate word-processed format, using 1.5 spacing between sentences and paragraphs