Using the information above and the included bar charts, determine what needs to happen to return this company to its past success.

Words: 250
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Perform academic research through the LU Online Library by selecting four scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles that have been published within the past 5 years and the Satterlee text. Materials/articles that are embedded in the course may be used, but do not count as one of the required scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.

Integrate a minimum of one biblical principle that relates to one or more of your concepts. Listing a Bible verse alone is unacceptable. Provide a verse or biblical principle and elaborate how it relates to your topic and today’s current culture. Only scripture from the Bible’s Old and New Testaments are allowed. Other sacred texts should not be used for the purposes of biblical integration in this course.

Using the information above and the included bar charts, determine what needs to happen to return this company to its past success.

The following headings should be used to complete the assignment:

Title page (see the template at the Writing Style Guides link in the course)
RST Carports and Metal Roofing (this is your introduction)
Experience Levels of Employees

How Leadership Styles Could Have Affected the Change at RST
How Management Decision Styles Could Have Affected the Change at RST
How Types of Power Could Have Affected the Change at RST
A Pareto Analysis of the Three Main Problems That Could Have Affected the Change at RST
Biblical Integration

References must include:

• Four scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles that have been published within the past 5 years
• Satterlee text