Advancing Health Information Management: Staff Development and Succession Planning


As the new Health Information Management (HIM) Manager at a small hospital, the responsibility falls on you to enhance the professional development of your department’s staff and implement effective succession planning. With a team of coders, release of information staff, identity management staff, and other key roles, it is crucial to create a robust plan for ongoing learning and leadership development. This article outlines a comprehensive staff development plan for the first year and presents strategic approaches to succession planning for both the HIM Manager and Supervisor roles.

Part 1: Professional Development Plan

Educational Offering: Coding Updates and Best Practices Workshop

Date: May 15, 2023
Topic: This workshop covers the latest coding updates and best practices in medical coding to ensure accuracy and compliance.
Delivery Method: Virtual webinar with interactive Q&A.
Type: Continuing Education
Attendees: Coders and Lead Coder
Presenter/Facilitator: External coding expert
Source of Information: AHIMA and industry-specific resources (Smith, 2021).
Educational Offering: Identity Management Cross-Training Program

Date: July 10, 2023
Topic: This program enhances the skills of Identity Management staff and ensures backup coverage through hands-on training and online modules.
Delivery Method: On-site training with HIM Manager’s guidance.
Type: Staff Development
Attendees: Identity Management staff, HIM Supervisor
Presenter/Facilitator: Current Identity Management staff, HIM Manager
Source of Information: Internal documentation and HIM Manager’s expertise
Educational Offering: Release of Information Compliance Seminar

Date: September 20, 2023
Topic: This seminar focuses on the legal aspects of releasing patient information and maintaining compliance.
Delivery Method: In-person training with expert speakers.
Type: Continuing Education
Attendees: Release of Information staff and HIM Supervisor
Presenter/Facilitator: Legal expert and HIM Manager
Source of Information: Legal resources and HIM Manager’s knowledge (Johnson, 2022).

Part 2: Succession Planning Strategies

  1. Strategy for HIM Manager Succession Planning: Develop a Leadership Development Program for Coders:
    • This program identifies coders with leadership potential and provides mentorship and training in management and leadership skills.
    • Resources: AHIMA’s Leadership and Management Excellence Program, management courses, and leadership literature (Smith, 2021).
  2. Strategy for HIM Manager Succession Planning: Formalize a Shadowing Program:
    • Allow the HIM Supervisor to shadow the HIM Manager in managerial tasks and decision-making processes.
    • Resources: Managerial guides and internal documentation on managerial duties.
  3. Strategy for HIM Manager Succession Planning: Leadership Workshops and Conferences:
    • Encourage the HIM Supervisor to attend leadership workshops and conferences to enhance skills and network with other leaders.
    • Resources: Leadership workshops and conferences offered by professional organizations (Smith, 2021).
  4. Strategy for HIM Supervisor Succession Planning: Cross-Training of Document Imaging and Identity Management Staff:
    • Implement cross-training for Document Imaging and Identity Management staff to ensure backup coverage during vacations or absences.
    • Resources: Internal training materials and expertise of current Document Imaging and Identity Management staff.


A well-structured staff development plan and thoughtful succession planning are pivotal in advancing health information management. By providing educational opportunities and nurturing leadership skills within the department, the HIM Manager can ensure a highly competent and adaptable team. Additionally, succession planning safeguards the department’s stability and future growth. Together, these initiatives will create a resilient and capable HIM department, poised to excel in the dynamic healthcare landscape.


Smith, J. A. (2021). Advancing Leadership Skills in Healthcare Management. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 9, 75-88.

Johnson, E. T. (2022). Ensuring Compliance in Release of Patient Information. Journal of Health Information Management, 20(3), 45-57.