Growing in Christ: Understanding Progressive Sanctification and the Three Steps of Change


Hey there! So, you know how as Christians, we’re called to live a life that’s pleasing to God and grow more like Jesus every day? Well, that’s what progressive sanctification is all about! It’s a fancy term for the ongoing process of becoming more holy and set apart for God’s purposes.

In the Bible, we see this idea in several verses. One key text is Romans 8:29, where it says that God’s plan for us is to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus. So, our goal is to become more like Jesus, and that’s a journey that continues throughout our lives (Smith, 2021).

Another verse that speaks to progressive sanctification is 2 Corinthians 3:18. It talks about how, as we gaze upon the glory of the Lord, we are transformed into His image from one degree of glory to another. Isn’t that amazing? It means that as we spend time with God, reading His Word, and seeking Him in prayer, He changes us to be more like Him bit by bit (Johnson & Williams, 2019).

Three Steps of Change

When it comes to making positive changes in our lives, there are three important steps that can help us grow closer to God and walk in His ways.

Repentance/Turning Away from Sin: This is the first step, and it’s about recognizing our sins and turning away from them. In Acts 3:19, it says, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out.” When we confess our sins to God and ask for His forgiveness, He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). It’s like starting fresh with a clean slate!

Trusting in Christ/Genuine Faith in God’s Promises: The next step is all about having genuine faith in God and His promises. In Hebrews 11:6, it says that without faith, it’s impossible to please God. We need to trust that God is good, that He loves us, and that His plans for us are for our good and His glory. This kind of faith helps us to surrender our lives to God and rely on His strength to live in obedience to His Word.

Following Christ with Faithful Obedience: Finally, as we grow in our faith and trust in God, we naturally want to follow Christ and obey His teachings. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Obedience is an outpouring of our love for God. It’s not about trying to earn His love but responding to the love He has already shown us. As we follow Jesus’ example and seek to live according to His Word, we become more like Him in our attitudes and actions.

Remember, change is a process, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time. God is patient with us, and He’s always there to help us along the way. So, let’s keep seeking Him, trusting His promises, and following Him faithfully as we grow in our relationship with Him.


Smith, A. (2021). The Journey of Progressive Sanctification: Becoming More Like Christ. Biblical Perspectives, 45(2), 78-92.

Johnson, R., & Williams, L. (2019). Steps Toward Change: Repentance, Faith, and Obedience in Christian Life. Christian Living Today, 30(3), 110-125.