Leveraging Common-Use Technology: Unraveling the Potential of Process-Based Departures Halls


In the rapidly evolving landscape of aviation, innovative technologies continue to redefine operational paradigms. The assertion that the implementation of common-use technology can yield significant operational benefits for both airports and airlines raises intriguing considerations. This discourse delves deeper into the potential advantages, challenges, and transformative impact of common-use technology on process-based departures halls, advocating for its viability and substantiating its role in shaping the future of air travel.

Defending the Statement: Operational Benefits of Common-Use Technology

Amid the ongoing quest for efficiency and improved passenger experiences, the deployment of common-use technology emerges as a promising avenue. Here are additional perspectives to bolster the assertion:

Resource Optimization Amid Uncertainties: The aviation industry is vulnerable to disruptions, and common-use technology offers the flexibility to adapt rapidly. In the face of unforeseen events such as pandemics or geopolitical shifts, shared resources can be swiftly redirected to accommodate changing operational dynamics (Kuo et al., 2019).

Unlocking Collaboration Potential: Collaborative environments fostered by common-use technology can lead to novel partnerships and business models. The shared infrastructure creates a foundation for airlines to collaborate on innovative services and offerings, thereby enhancing customer value (Odonkor et al., 2021).

Strategic Utilization of Space: Common-use technology allows airports to optimize the use of terminal space, aligning resources with demand peaks. As passenger traffic varies throughout the day, this dynamic allocation minimizes congestion and improves overall operational flow (Bieger et al., 2018).

Mitigating Airline Financial Stress: Airlines, particularly during volatile market conditions, can benefit from shared facilities that alleviate financial stress. By reducing fixed costs and increasing operational agility, carriers can enhance their ability to navigate economic uncertainties (Mason et al., 2021).

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

To fully embrace the potential of common-use technology, it is crucial to address the following challenges:

Technological Integration Complexity: Merging disparate systems and technologies from various airlines demands meticulous planning and seamless execution. Adopting industry standards and engaging technology experts can streamline the integration process (Kuo et al., 2019).

Data Security and Privacy: Sharing information across airlines necessitates stringent data security measures. Compliance with data protection regulations, collaborative agreements, and information encryption protocols are essential to safeguard passenger information (Ison & Bieger, 2018).

Transition to Collaborative Governance: The transition from conventional operational models to collaborative environments requires well-defined governance structures. Clear roles, responsibilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms must be established for effective coordination (Odonkor et al., 2021).

Scholarly Support for Operational Benefits

Extending the discourse, Kuo et al. (2019) emphasize the transformative potential of common-use technology in fostering collaborative decision-making and enhancing agility. Odonkor et al. (2021) highlight the role of digital platform governance in the airline industry’s digital transformation journey, which resonates with the shared ecosystem concept.


The implementation of common-use technology to create process-based departures halls carries transformative potential for airports and airlines alike. By harnessing the advantages of optimized resource utilization, cost reduction, flexibility, and enhanced passenger experiences, the aviation industry can navigate its challenges with resilience. Acknowledging the complexity of integration and data security, proactive strategies and partnerships will play a pivotal role in realizing this vision.


Bieger, T., Wittmer, A., & Wittmer, A. (2018). The Impact of Common-Use Airport Facilities on Airlines’ Cost. Journal of Air Transport Management, 67, 177-187.

Ison, S., & Bieger, T. (2018). Common-Use Airport Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Global Practices. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 117, 378-391.

Kuo, Y., Wang, R. Y., & Jiang, W. (2019). A Collaborative Airline Departure Slot Allocation Decision Support System in the Era of Airport Collaborative Decision Making. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 26-46.

Mason, K., Jorgensen, B., & Forbes, J. (2021). Cost Efficiency in the Airline Industry. In Handbook of Airline Economics (pp. 151-183). Routledge.

Odonkor, P., Zheng, S., & Beynon-Davies, P. (2021). Digital Platform Governance and Digital Transformation in the Airline Industry. Information Systems Frontiers, 23(2), 515-535.

Zhang, Y., & Li, J. (2020). A Framework for Evaluating Process Management Performance in the Airport Industry: An Empirical Study. Journal of Air Transport Management, 87, 101878.