Rheumatoid Arthritis Care Plan: 5 Diagnoses & Interventions for Improved Quality of Life

Words: 368
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the joints, leading to inflammation, pain, and functional impairment. As a nurse caring for an RA patient, a comprehensive care plan is crucial to address physical, emotional, and social needs. This essay outlines an SEO-optimized nursing care plan with five common nursing diagnoses and corresponding interventions for a patient diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Diagnosis 1: Impaired Mobility due to Joint Pain and Inflammation


Regularly assess mobility and document changes.
Collaborate with therapists for a personalized exercise program.
Provide pain management with prescribed analgesics and heat or cold therapy.
Educate the patient on energy conservation techniques.
Assist the patient in using mobility aids for independence and safety.

Diagnosis 2: Chronic Pain caused by Inflammation and Joint Damage


Conduct a comprehensive pain assessment using appropriate scales.
Administer prescribed pain medications regularly.
Use non-pharmacological pain management techniques.
Encourage open communication for adjusting the pain management plan.
Explore alternative pain management options with the healthcare team.

Diagnosis 3: Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity due to Immobility and Decreased Sensation


Regularly inspect skin, especially pressure-prone areas.
Encourage weight shifting and use of pressure-relieving devices.
Maintain skin cleanliness and hydration.
Educate on proper skin care, nutrition, and hydration.
Teach the use of assistive devices for skin protection during movement.

Diagnosis 4: Disturbed Sleep Pattern linked to Pain and Discomfort


Assess sleep patterns and quality of sleep.
Establish a regular sleep routine and sleep hygiene.
Adjust pain management for better sleep.
Teach relaxation techniques and stress management.
Continuously evaluate intervention effectiveness.

Diagnosis 5: Risk for Social Isolation due to Decreased Mobility and Chronic Pain


Assess social support and identify sources of interaction.
Encourage participation in adapted social activities.
Provide emotional support and active listening.
Facilitate connections with support groups and online forums.
Develop a social activity plan considering limitations and interests.


A comprehensive nursing care plan is essential for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis to address physical, emotional, and social aspects of the disease. Nursing interventions, nurses can support patients in managing symptoms, maintaining independence, and improving overall quality of life. Continuously assessing and modifying the care plan based on the patient’s needs ensures holistic and patient-centered care throughout their journey with Rheumatoid Arthritis.