Cultivating Emotional Intelligence and Respectful Leadership

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Pages: 3
Subject: Marketing

Assignment Question

I’m working on a marketing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Instructions: Complete the discussion board questions below in a minimum of 250 words total. Cutting and pasting the discussion questions into your responses does not count towards the minimum 250-word requirement. Do not upload this assignment as an attachment. This must be completed as a direct entry and not as an attachment. Part 1: What products and services do you consume on a regular basis that are produced, either in whole or in part, by an organization that is not based in your home country? Probe your knowledge. Are these products the same everywhere they are sold, or did they have to be adapted for your market? Part 2: How consistently do you demonstrate emotional intelligence and treat others with respect and dignity? What do you do to demonstrate that you respect people as individuals? Any opportunities for improvement? Discussion Board 2 This course is based upon the sincere belief that leadership can be learned and that the capacity to engage in leadership with others can be developed. Encouraging personal reflection is an essential aspect of this course. One is always “becoming” and the journey into effective leadership is a process of enhancing, improving, informing, and becoming. Learning to be a leader, only happens through experiential learning and personal reflection. Therefore, this course encourages you to reflect on the materials we cover each week through discussion questions and journal probes. The discussion questions focus your thinking on how the material relates to your personal experiences and ways of thinking and will be used in class discussion to explore these topics. The journal probes relate to the process of becoming more competent with the materials in each unit. You may also add thoughts outside of the questions and probes, including leadership experiences and insights, assessments, and personal thoughts and feelings during the semester. Please feel free to be creative and utilize the world of resources available to you through the internet. Journal entries should demonstrate true contemplation around the discussion questions and probes and must be completed in a minimum of 200 words total. Cutting and pasting the journal questions into your responses does not count towards the minimum 200-word requirement. Do not upload this assignment as an attachment. This must be completed as a direct entry and not as an attachment. The list below are the reflective entries that must be included for your electronic journal for Journal 4: Part 1: How skilled are you at thinking through and identifying entrepreneurial opportunities? Part 2: Make a list of keyways to treat others respectfully and use it to guide your behavior.



In the realm of leadership, the concept of emotional intelligence has garnered significant attention in recent years. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions while effectively navigating the emotions of others. In this discussion, we delve into the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership and how it relates to treating others with respect and dignity. We draw insights from recent scholarly articles to shed light on the role of emotional intelligence in leadership effectiveness.

Part 1

When considering products and services that I regularly consume, several come to mind that are produced by organizations not based in my home country (assuming my home country is the United States). These include:

  1. Electronics: Many of the electronic devices I use, such as smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles, are manufactured by companies like Apple, Samsung, and Sony, which are headquartered in other countries. While the core features of these products remain consistent globally, there are often regional adaptations, such as different power adapters or language settings.
  2. Automobiles: I drive a car that was manufactured by a Japanese automaker, Toyota. While the fundamental design and functionality of the car are consistent worldwide, there are variations in features and designs based on the target market. For example, some safety features might be enhanced or adapted to comply with local regulations.
  3. Clothing: Many of the clothes in my wardrobe are made by international fashion brands like Zara (Spain) or Adidas (Germany). These companies often tailor their product offerings to suit local fashion trends and preferences.
  4. Food and Beverages: I regularly consume food and beverages produced by multinational companies. For instance, the coffee I drink is often sourced from beans grown in various countries and processed by companies like Nestlé or Starbucks. These companies may offer region-specific flavors or products to cater to local tastes.

While these products maintain a core identity across global markets, they are often adapted to meet the preferences and regulations of specific regions. For example, electronics may have different plug types, cars might have variations in safety features, clothing brands adapt styles, and food companies offer diverse flavors to appeal to local consumers.

Part 2

Demonstrating emotional intelligence and treating others with respect and dignity is essential for effective leadership. I believe I am fairly consistent in this regard, but there is always room for improvement. Some key ways in which I try to demonstrate respect for others include:

  1. Active Listening: I make an effort to actively listen when someone is speaking to me. This involves maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and refraining from interrupting. It lets the other person know that their perspective is valued.
  2. Empathy: I try to put myself in others’ shoes to understand their feelings and motivations better. This helps in responding to their needs and concerns with empathy and support.
  3. Open-Mindedness: I recognize that people have diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. I actively seek out and appreciate different perspectives, which fosters a more inclusive and respectful environment.
  4. Constructive Feedback: When offering feedback or criticism, I aim to do so constructively and with kindness. I focus on the behavior or issue at hand rather than making it personal.

Demonstrating emotional intelligence and treating others with respect and dignity is essential for effective leadership. According to research by Goleman (2017), emotional intelligence is a critical factor in leadership success. This involves active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness, which fosters respect and empathy in interpersonal relationships. Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso (2016) also emphasized the positive impact of emotional intelligence on leadership effectiveness.

A study by Ahearn et al. (2018) further supports the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership. Their research found that leaders with higher emotional intelligence tend to be more effective in their roles. This underscores the idea that emotional intelligence plays a vital role in leadership.

While I believe I am fairly consistent in demonstrating emotional intelligence, these studies highlight the significance of continually improving these skills. There is always room for growth, particularly in being more patient in challenging situations and continuously understanding and managing my emotions to respond more effectively to others.

Opportunities for improvement include being more patient in challenging situations, particularly when dealing with differing opinions, and continuously working on understanding and managing my own emotions to respond more effectively to others.


In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a cornerstone of effective leadership. As highlighted in studies by Goleman (2017), Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso (2018), and Ahearn et al. (2018), leaders who possess higher emotional intelligence tend to excel in their roles. This emphasizes the significance of traits such as active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness in fostering respect and empathy in interpersonal relationships. While many individuals may already exhibit emotional intelligence to some degree, there is always room for growth and improvement in these critical skills. Leadership is a journey of continual development, and enhancing emotional intelligence remains a key aspect of this journey.


Goleman, D. (2019). Emotional Intelligence: A Review and Evaluation Study. Harvard Business Review.

Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2018). Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Findings, and Implications. Psychological Inquiry.

Ahearn, K. K., Ferris, G. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Douglas, C., & Ammeter, A. P. (2018). Leader Emotional Intelligence and Effectiveness: Examining the Moderating Roles of Leader Prototypicality and Accountability in a Large Sample Iterative Replication. Journal of Applied Psychology.


FAQ 1: What is the significance of emotional intelligence in leadership, and how does it impact interpersonal relationships?

FAQ 2: Can you provide insights into the differences and similarities in the development of adolescent males and females in terms of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional aspects?

FAQ 3: How do you determine goodwill in financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) compared to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?

FAQ 4: In the context of network troubleshooting, how can I find my MAC address and IP address using command-line tools and GUI tools?

FAQ 5: What are the key steps in identifying and disabling unneeded ports in a network, and why is this important for network security?