Understanding Nonemployment among Registered Nurses

Words: 1014
Pages: 4
Subject: Nursing

Assignment Question

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. After reading chapters 18,120 answer the following question. Suppose you were planning to conduct a statewide study of the work plans and intentions of nonemployed registered nurses in your state. Would you ask mostly open-ended questions or closed-ended questions? Defend your answer.


In the context of a statewide study focusing on the work plans and intentions of nonemployed registered nurses, the inclusion of open-ended questions offers researchers the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying factors contributing to nonemployment within the nursing workforce. Open-ended questions encourage respondents to provide narrative responses, allowing them to articulate their experiences, challenges, and aspirations in their own words (Polit & Beck, 2021). Through open-ended inquiries, researchers can explore the intricacies of individual experiences, uncovering unique insights into the personal, professional, and systemic barriers that have led to the nonemployment of registered nurses within the state. Furthermore, open-ended questions facilitate the exploration of complex issues, such as work-life balance, career development opportunities, and workplace satisfaction, providing a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges faced by nonemployed registered nurses (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2019).

By encouraging respondents to share their perspectives and experiences, open-ended questions facilitate a more nuanced and comprehensive analysis of the underlying factors contributing to the nonemployment of registered nurses. Through the qualitative data obtained from open-ended questions, researchers can identify recurring themes, common challenges, and emerging patterns within the responses, enabling a deeper understanding of the diverse factors influencing the work plans and intentions of nonemployed registered nurses across the state. Additionally, open-ended questions allow researchers to capture the emotional and psychological aspects of nonemployment, shedding light on the personal struggles, career transitions, and professional aspirations of the individuals within the nursing workforce (Polit & Beck, 2021). By incorporating open-ended questions into the study, researchers can develop a more holistic and empathetic approach to understanding the lived experiences and unique perspectives of nonemployed registered nurses, thereby fostering a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted challenges and opportunities within the nursing profession.

In conjunction with open-ended questions, the use of closed-ended questions in the statewide study can provide researchers with structured and quantifiable data that offer insights into the broader trends and statistical patterns within the nonemployed registered nurse population. Closed-ended questions allow for the systematic collection of standardized responses, enabling researchers to categorize, compare, and analyze the data efficiently (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2019). Through the use of closed-ended inquiries, researchers can gather demographic information, statistical data, and categorical responses related to the participants’ employment history, educational background, and specific reasons for nonemployment. This structured approach to data collection enables researchers to identify common trends, prevalent challenges, and key factors contributing to nonemployment among registered nurses within the state.

Moreover, the integration of closed-ended questions enables researchers to quantify the prevalence and significance of various factors influencing the work plans and intentions of nonemployed registered nurses. By utilizing quantitative data obtained from closed-ended questions, researchers can conduct statistical analyses, construct data-driven models, and develop empirical frameworks that highlight the prevalence and impact of specific challenges, such as job market trends, educational requirements, and professional development opportunities (Polit & Beck, 2021). Additionally, closed-ended questions enable researchers to measure the relative significance of different factors contributing to nonemployment, providing a comprehensive overview of the broader trends and patterns within the nursing workforce and informing evidence-based strategies for addressing the issues identified in the study.


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LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2019). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2021). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (11th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

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1. How can open-ended questions benefit a statewide study on the work plans of nonemployed registered nurses?

  • Open-ended questions allow researchers to gather qualitative data and in-depth insights into the personal experiences, challenges, and aspirations of nonemployed registered nurses. These questions enable respondents to share their perspectives in their own words, providing a nuanced understanding of the underlying factors contributing to nonemployment.

2. What role do closed-ended questions play in analyzing the nonemployment trends among registered nurses in the state?

  • Closed-ended questions facilitate the systematic collection of standardized data, enabling researchers to categorize and analyze responses efficiently. They provide quantitative insights into the demographic characteristics, employment history, and specific reasons for nonemployment among registered nurses, aiding in the identification of prevalent trends and statistical patterns.

3. How do open-ended and closed-ended questions complement each other in a statewide study of nonemployed registered nurses?

  • Open-ended questions provide qualitative insights into the personal experiences and perspectives of nonemployed registered nurses, while closed-ended questions offer structured and quantifiable data on the broader trends and statistical patterns within the nonemployment landscape. Together, these questions provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities faced by the nursing workforce.

4. What are the key benefits of incorporating both types of questions in the statewide study on nonemployment among registered nurses?

  • The combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions enables researchers to gather both qualitative and quantitative data, fostering a holistic understanding of the complex factors influencing nonemployment. This approach allows for a comprehensive analysis of personal experiences, systemic challenges, and statistical trends, facilitating the development of evidence-based strategies to address the issues identified in the study.

5. How can the findings from a statewide study on the work plans and intentions of nonemployed registered nurses inform the nursing profession and healthcare policy?

  • The insights obtained from the study can contribute to the development of targeted interventions and policies that address the specific challenges and barriers faced by nonemployed registered nurses. By understanding the underlying factors contributing to nonemployment, healthcare organizations and policymakers can implement initiatives that promote workforce retention, professional development, and improved job opportunities within the nursing profession, fostering a more sustainable and resilient healthcare workforce.