What factors do you feel could have changed in Tesla’s approach to its performance reviews, how can a high-pressure environment affect an employee’s performance?

Assignment Question

  Write the response to the questions in an essay format. This means a paragraph format. Do not number your responses. A “Title” and “Reference page is required. At least one resource has to be used for this assignment. At Tesla, the automotive giant, the standards are set extremely high for their employees. In 2017, Tesla conducted its annual performance reviews as it does each year. Due to the review process, the company sees both voluntary and involuntary departures. During the review process, the managers discuss “results that were achieved, as well as how those results were achieved” with their employees.* Tesla also has a performance recognition and compensation program that includes equity rewards as well as promotions in some cases, along with the constructive feedback. The departure of employees during the review period is not unique to Tesla; however, in 2017 there was a large exodus of approximately 700 employees following their employee reviews. Elon Musk, who recently has stepped down from the role of chairman and has been under scrutiny for his behavior,* saw the media coverage of this news as “ridiculous.” “You have two boxes of equal ability, and one’s much smaller, the big guy’s going to crush the little guy, obviously,” states Musk. “So, the little guy better have a heck of a lot more skill or he’s going to get clobbered. So that is why our standards are high . . . if they’re not high, we will die.” Overall, approximately 17 percent of their employees were promoted, almost half in manufacturing. As Tesla continues to grow and develop new vehicles, it is consistently pushing the boundaries and pushing its employees to new limits. Performance reviews are of the highest importance for Tesla’s business to succeed; the company needs the best people with the best skills. It is constantly growing and attempting to “suck the labor pool dry” to fill positions at many of its locations and factories. Questions: What factors do you feel could have changed in Tesla’s approach to its performance reviews? How can a high-pressure environment affect an employee’s performance? What factors should be considered to combat these issues?



Tesla, the innovative automotive giant led by Elon Musk, is known for setting exceptionally high standards for their employees. In 2017, Tesla conducted its annual performance reviews, a process that led to both voluntary and involuntary departures within the company. During these reviews, managers at Tesla not only discuss the results achieved by employees but also the methods used to achieve those results. Furthermore, Tesla has a performance recognition and compensation program that includes equity rewards, promotions, and constructive feedback. However, in 2017, the company experienced a significant exodus of approximately 700 employees following their performance reviews, drawing attention to the rigorous standards set by Tesla. In this essay, we will explore the factors that could have led to changes in Tesla’s approach to performance reviews, examine how a high-pressure environment can affect employee performance, and discuss strategies to combat these issues.

Factors Affecting Tesla’s Approach to Performance Reviews

Several factors could have influenced changes in Tesla’s approach to performance reviews. First, the large exodus of employees in 2017 might have prompted the company to reevaluate its review process. High employee turnover can be costly for an organization, leading to disruptions and increased recruitment expenses (Gowan, 2020). Tesla may have recognized the need to strike a balance between maintaining high standards and retaining valuable talent. Second, Elon Musk’s behavior and media scrutiny could have put additional pressure on the company to reexamine its employee evaluation methods. Musk’s high-profile actions and statements have sometimes overshadowed Tesla’s achievements and placed the company under intense public scrutiny. To maintain its reputation and attract top talent, Tesla may have sought to ensure that its performance reviews were perceived as fair, objective, and in alignment with ethical standards.

Effect of a High-Pressure Environment on Employee Performance

Working in a high-pressure environment can have a profound impact on employee performance. Employees may experience increased stress, burnout, and anxiety, which can lead to decreased job satisfaction and productivity (Häusser et al., 2010). Tesla’s emphasis on high standards and constant growth may create a sense of urgency and pressure among employees. This pressure can result in a negative work environment where employees feel compelled to meet unrealistic expectations, potentially sacrificing work-life balance and well-being. Moreover, the fear of job loss or involuntary departures following performance reviews can further exacerbate the stress levels of Tesla’s employees. This fear may lead to a culture of “survival mode,” where employees prioritize short-term results over long-term innovation and collaboration (Häusser et al., 2010). Thus, while high standards can drive excellence, they must be balanced with strategies that mitigate the negative effects of pressure.

Factors to Combat High-Pressure Issues

To combat the negative effects of a high-pressure environment, Tesla should consider several factors. First, the company should focus on providing comprehensive support systems for its employees, including mental health resources, stress management programs, and work-life balance initiatives (Häusser et al., 2010). These efforts can help employees cope with the demands of their roles more effectively and foster a healthier work environment. Second, Tesla should revisit its performance review process to ensure that it is transparent, fair, and constructive. Employees should receive feedback that helps them develop their skills and address any areas of improvement without feeling overwhelmed. The company could implement a more continuous feedback system that promotes ongoing dialogue between managers and employees, rather than relying solely on annual reviews. This approach can help employees understand their performance expectations and receive guidance throughout the year (Gowan, 2020). Finally, the company should encourage open communication and foster a culture of innovation, where employees are encouraged to voice their ideas and concerns without fear of retribution (Häusser et al., 2010). This can create a more supportive and collaborative work environment where employees feel valued and empowered to contribute their best efforts.


In conclusion, Tesla’s approach to performance reviews has garnered attention due to its high standards and the large number of departures following the 2017 reviews. Several factors, including employee turnover and media scrutiny, could have influenced changes in Tesla’s approach to these reviews. Working in a high-pressure environment can adversely affect employee performance, leading to stress and burnout. To combat these issues, Tesla should prioritize employee support, transparent feedback, and a culture of innovation. By addressing these factors, Tesla can continue to push boundaries and excel while ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of its employees.


Gowan, M. (2020). The Business Impact of Employee Turnover.

Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., Niesel, M., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2010). Ten years on: A review of recent research on the Job Demand–Control (-Support) model and psychological well-being. Work & Stress, 24(1), 1-35. doi:10.1080/02678371003683747

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What prompted Tesla to reevaluate its approach to performance reviews in 2017?

Answer: Tesla likely reevaluated its approach to performance reviews in 2017 due to a significant exodus of approximately 700 employees following their performance reviews. The high employee turnover might have raised concerns about retaining valuable talent and the associated costs of recruitment and disruptions.

Q2: How does working in a high-pressure environment affect employee performance at Tesla?

Answer: Working in a high-pressure environment at Tesla can lead to increased stress, burnout, and anxiety among employees. This, in turn, can result in decreased job satisfaction and productivity. The fear of job loss or involuntary departures following performance reviews can also contribute to a culture of “survival mode,” where short-term results are prioritized over long-term innovation and collaboration.

Q3: What strategies can Tesla implement to combat the negative effects of a high-pressure environment?

Answer: To combat the negative effects of a high-pressure environment, Tesla can consider several strategies. First, the company can provide comprehensive support systems for employees, including mental health resources, stress management programs, and work-life balance initiatives. Second, Tesla can revisit its performance review process to ensure transparency, fairness, and constructive feedback. Implementing a continuous feedback system can promote ongoing dialogue between managers and employees. Finally, fostering a culture of open communication and innovation can create a more supportive and collaborative work environment.

Q4: How can Tesla balance its high standards with employee well-being and satisfaction?

Answer: Tesla can balance its high standards with employee well-being and satisfaction by focusing on providing support, transparent feedback, and a culture of innovation. This involves offering mental health resources, implementing a fair and continuous feedback system, and encouraging open communication where employees feel valued and empowered to contribute their best efforts.

Q5: Why did Elon Musk’s behavior and media scrutiny impact Tesla’s approach to performance reviews?

Answer: Elon Musk’s behavior and media scrutiny impacted Tesla’s approach to performance reviews because they drew significant public attention. To maintain its reputation and attract top talent, Tesla may have felt the need to ensure that its performance reviews were perceived as fair, objective, and in alignment with ethical standards, especially in the context of Musk’s high-profile actions and statements.