Demonstrate the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis of information to identify service/organisational improvement and opportunities for innovation and growth.

Foundation Degree in Business and Management (Year 2)
Digital Technologies

School of Business, Management and Professional

TITLE: Case Study (25% of MM)


Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcome:

LO4 demonstrate the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis of information to identify service/organisational improvement and opportunities for innovation and growth.


Choose one of the companies from the list given below.
On your chosen company you will need to collect data from social media, the media and statistics, that you will analyse using appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods. Evaluate the chosen organisation’s current service provision. Critically comment on it and weigh the pros and cons against each other.

Based on the findings emerging from the data sets analysed you will develop a set of recommendations that you believe will help them to be more innovative and in turn, contributes to the growth of the organisation. Justify your recommendations. (addresses LO4).

• Elan Café
• Starbucks
• Huawei
• Dyson
• Brewdog
• Weatherspoons
• The London Eye
• Windsor Castle